5 things to check before posting

5 things to check before posting

Before you think about posting anything on your social networks, you should think about what you want to contribute to it. Of course, everything is related to the objectives that your brand is pursuing,

Still, you should also take into consideration whether such content seeks to educate, entertain, or inspire those who see it. With that in mind, in this blog, we leave you with some tips that you can follow so that your content is not only of value to your followers but also communicates the values of your brand.

1.- Seek to expand topics

Constantly talking about the same topic can not only tire your users but can also hurt you at the SEO level due to the constant use of keywords. If your content is precise and does not give you enough room to vary the topics, try to use different concepts or words for the keywords, this way it will feel fresh and different from the content you normally generate.

2.- Use keywords

Implementing the basics of SEO strategy will help you capture more traffic to your social networks. Investigate which words or phrases your users use the most to reach you, and based on this you can repeat them in your content to make it easier for them to find you.

3.- Take care of the copy

To make your users’ experience much more pleasant and, therefore, more effective, make sure that everything you write in your social networks is not only well written but also correctly hierarchized and takes care of the amount of information you provide and the necessary white spaces so that there is a break between contents.

4.- Images of value

Consider taking care of the aesthetics of the optimized images you post and the order in which they appear. Remember that they must be eye-catching and illustrate what you have said in the text so that they catch the users’ attention immediately.

5.- Check before posting

We know that everything you publish is created with great care, however, sometimes small mistakes can be made. Reading and proofreading before posting anything (from spelling, syntax, links, and even emojis) can save you from mistakes that may be too late to correct.
Today, social networks are full of brands looking to make their mark with content, but it’s not always valuable. To stand out from the rest, you must curate your content every day so that your brand becomes recognized for projecting strong values and a clear message to the world around it.