Frequently Asked Questions

Your questions answered

Highly motivated team with innovative ideas!

We love what we do and therefore come up with the best possible solutions to help you set and grow online quickly. We are your trusted partners you can count on.

Our experience in the area of digital marketing, creativity and good communication that exists in our team are what makes Alpina Media the best decision to continue the growth of your sales and the expansion of your market. We have three kits of specialized services in digital marketing and the option for the client to select the ones they prefer or believe relevant to achieve their company’s goals.

Our kits have a pre-established price that includes specific digital marketing services and three sets of delivery changes. On the other hand, Adhoc Hourly services are services that are charged to the client per hour of work; these vary depending on the complexity of the requested project.

Since each of our clients’ projects is different, it is difficult to give an exact estimate of the time it will take to see the objectives completely achieved. However, there are also details that can be observed and measured month by month in order to be able to interpret the data that indicate the achievement of the objectives initially set.
Yes, each of our clients is different and therefore customized measures must be taken to achieve different types of objectives. Alpina Media’s team is prepared to analyze each client’s project to conclude what specific measures and services they will need.