Marketing on Mother's Day

Marketing on Mother's Day

Not surprisingly, Mother’s Day is one of the best dates of the year to undertake successful marketing campaigns, as there is a visible increase in sales in many industries. In this blog, we give you some ideas that can work for you to start your marketing strategy and take advantage of this special date.

1.- Redirect your target audience

It may sound strange, but it’s not the mothers you should talk to through your advertising, but their partners and children. These people buy the gift, so your main objective should be to make them fall in love with it.

2.- Take your time

We recommend running your campaign early. People interested in buying a gift have been looking at options for weeks, so don’t leave it all to the last day! Also, a digital campaign gets better results over the days.

3.- Launch last-minute offers

It is common to find many people who put off buying a gift at the last minute, and here you can take advantage of this urgency. A good strategy is to make remarketing ads or abandoned shopping cart mailings, special offers with expiration dates can also work.

4.- Appeal to feelings

Love for the mother is one of the greatest loves there is, so appealing to it is a good strategy to close more sales. Remember: you are talking to the mother’s loved ones, not to her. Communication changes completely in this kind of detail.
Now you know: Mother’s Day is one of the dates when you can implement strategies in which there is more opportunity for you to close sales. The mother is one of the most important and beloved global symbols, how will you adapt it to your brand?