The 4 C’s of Marketing

5 things to check before posting

The vast majority of marketing strategies are based on one thing: the customer. To get their attention and brand loyalty, you must focus all your attention on specific elements that make it much easier: the 4 Cs of marketing.

In this blog, we explain what these elements are that will help you to have a system completely focused on customer satisfaction, as well as determine if your company is on the right track and allow you to see the red flags you can work on to succeed in the long run.

1.- Cost

The first C of marketing (but that doesn’t mean it’s the most important) directly affects the brand’s return on investment. Cost, besides deciding how much money is spent on advertising or what kind of discounts can be made, goes beyond what the consumer pays for your product or service, but encompasses more elements that can influence them to decide not to buy from your brand in the end.

2.- Convenience

Everyone likes things to be simple, including a checkout process. The fewer steps your brand takes to complete a purchase and the easier they are to complete, the better chance you have of making a sale. Simply put, convenience focuses on providing a pleasant, organized, and efficient shopping experience so that the customer is left wanting to come back.

3.- Communication

In the marketing world, communication is about sharing relevant information about your brand with your customers and potential customers. Whether it’s through traditional mass media or digital, communication works on the same parameters. With the right communication strategies, you can successfully convey the message you want to your customers.

4.- Consumer

Last but not least, there is the consumer. Your entire marketing strategy revolves around consumer satisfaction since they are the ones who will actually use the products or services your brand is offering. To do this you must identify your strengths and weaknesses in order to satisfy your consumer fully. We recommend you develop your buyer persona, that is, a representation of your ideal consumer, so that you can have a clearer idea of how to sell what you are interested in.

Remember to take these four elements into consideration in order to carry out a complete and effective marketing strategy. Using these concepts separately can lead to the objectives not being achieved satisfactorily because you have to consider all four together; the best way to work with them is as a whole.